Monday 6 May 2024

Good and bad

There is a lot bad in being good,

intrusive thoughts, OCD'd thoughts,

thoughts that makes us humans, with flaws,

away from the perfection or God-ness 

that also exist somewhere.

It is all bad, for it is all good:

can there be good without bad, and vice-versa.

There are some "ideal" solutions to the conundrum,

and the conundrum lies here:

Exactly! Above there.

Saturday 27 April 2024


Dreams, desires, plans
material, even immaterial -
abstractions, theorems, proofs,
all things consumes me -
for the sanity of me!
But something is missing at the core:
despite being an addiction or love to the form,
a "being" that is me, and not the form, is missing!
I am missing, for me, being consumed all in the form!

It is hard to tell what that "me" is.
There is a "mother", "father" element of me.
There is a friends, families, colleagues, mentor element of me.
There is an actor, preacher, curator, political element of me.
There is perhaps a businessman and people's man element of me.
But all of it misses "me", and that "me" is 

this above: the thing in the line above!
The absence that I truly desire!

Saturday 23 March 2024

Truth: analytical and political

Conjectures, beliefs

intuition, feeling

logic, logistic

rules, constraints

objects, people

calculation, conversation

hit and trials, bumping and talking

abstraction, elevation

theorem, law


Sunday 17 March 2024

Sometimes primes

Is the reality discrete or continuum?

A question that used to bug me, but not much anymore!

Undecidability (Godel) bugged me, but not much anymore!

Doesn't mean that I am liberated from the question.

Perhaps the question itself is much liberated than what I am -

a man with material desires, love for all things fancy.

What's not aesthetic, ugly, unpleasant, confusing is not for me!

What for me, perhaps, still confusing-looking is -

prime numbers -

numbers onto which continuum is built - fluid is built - I am built.

Primes are attractive, are everywhere -

Cicadas mate through it, autistic brothers talk through it

Who are we to touch them, sense them -

maybe we could write a poem or find a conjecture on them!

This world without primes, will still look the same -

for we haven't seen them yet, to make any difference! :-) 

Tuesday 20 February 2024


Naino ke dware,
aane ke vaade

Bandhe aise bolo kahe
Chaukat pe dil ki aahat rakhi hai
Tako pe hai tohre saye

Un bin unhe manaye
Un bin kabhi jo unko rijhaye
Un bin chale hai mora ye jiya haye

Wednesday 14 February 2024

The thing

 the painting only a blind can see

the patterns only a magician can decrypt

the "things" that exist, felt, but can't be touched

the thing that shakes your whole body up but can't be seen

the thing that attracts you, engulfs you, entrenches you, 

the thing that burns you, tires you down, wakes you up,

the thing that is craving your attention and calling you!

what is that thing! :-) 

Monday 29 January 2024

Golden feathers

The feathers burdened down
with gold plating -
a coating - 
of all things material,
important for the mirrors to sustain -
comfort, luxury, polish, business class -
let these all sink
let the gold drip down
golden droplets on the sand -
and let the bird fly -
for it wants to fly - 
keep soaring high -
not the highs of success or anything materials -
but the highs of being high
on something transcendental -
a thing not really word-worthy 
to put on words, or in between words -
it's better left hanging up high in that sky -
just with a "platonic belief" that it exists!
How to catch it, if at all, is a mystery!